Laser Bra Recovery and Results Los Angeles

The Stevens Laser Bra procedure is an innovative enhancement to many cosmetic breast procedures, including breast augmentation, breast reduction, and breast lift for Southern California women.

Laser Bra Recovery

While everyone is unique, we have found that most women return to work in approximately one week after their Laser Bra breast lift or breast reduction. When significant breast reductions are performed along with the Laser Bra procedure, some women will need from 1 to 2 weeks off work. Visit our dedicated site for complete details about breast reduction. Even though a woman has returned to work, she has not completely healed. Most women resume their normal activities by 3 weeks. Heavy physical exercise involving impact or chest wall trauma is usually postponed for 6 weeks.

Insurance coverage for your procedure - ask Jessica how


The majority of our Laser Bra patients are thrilled with their results. Imagine having perky, beautifully shaped breasts without the help of a bra. You can find out more by reading our real patient stories where actual patients describe their experiences before and after Laser Bra surgery.

Learn More

To learn more about The Stevens Laser Bra, you can receive a free consultation when you request your appointment online and schedule your visit during one of the select times our surgeons have set aside exclusively for Web visitors. For detailed information about breast enhancement surgery, we invite you to continue your research by reading the eBook prepared by our practice.