Laser Bra Photos - Case #2678

Patient Case #2678

After having children, this 42-year-old woman was unhappy with how her breasts had begun to droop following breast feeding. She wanted her breasts to look more youthful and to sit higher on her chest, so she came to Marina Plastic Surgery Associates wanting to see what her options were for plastic surgery in L.A..

During her consultation, her surgeon explained that a Laser Bra breast lift would restore her breasts to a more youthful position on her chest. Developed in Los Angeles by Dr. Grant Stevens of Marina Plastic Surgery Associates, a Laser Bra breast lift procedure works by creating an internal bra for the patient made from a patch of skin that is typically discarded during standard breast lift procedures. The procedure helps to support the breast tissue after surgery so the results last longer.

In addition to having the Los Angeles breast lift, this patient also decided to undergo a tummy tuck, and power-assisted liposuction to trim her waistline, a combination that is often called a mommy makeover. After her surgery, she was very happy with the restored look of her body and breasts and grateful to her surgeon at Marina Plastic Surgery Associates for helping her.

Laser Bra
Laser Bra
Laser Bra
Laser Bra